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Completing the 40 x 40: #1 Get a Tattoo

The start of my 40 x 40 list

Recently, I had a look over my old 40 x 40 blog. Yet another of my many unfinished projects that litter the internet!

A thought occurred.

‘What if a new follower to this blog came across the term 40 x 40 and wondered what I was talking about?’

What if this hypothetical reader hadn’t seen any of the Vlogs from my long lost short-lived Youtube channel?

Let me join you in the loop. I once wrote a list – but of course!

A list of 40 things to do before I was 40. The list is as yet unfinished so one of the tasks on the new list is… Finish the old list!

I would like this site to be a genuinely historical record of my task attempts. Therefore, here is the first thing that appeared on my 40 x 40 list: Get a tattoo

Getting my tattoo

This was number 1 on my list and was accomplished on my 39th birthday. Yes. I gifted myself pain that day!

I got Paul to take some photos -and there is a vlog below. If watching me in pain is your thing.

This is an old video though, and while my editing skills have certainly not improved, I feel obliged to warn you that the tattoo montage is louder than the rest of the video – just so you know!

Recently, I have been considering another one; some Cherry Blossom, possibly a coloured one. But I am then reminded about how painful it was.

I am also reminded that tattoos are not particularly popular in Japan, and as I would love to visit an onsen when I return to Nara, it would probably be sensible to not ink myself up again.

My youngest daughter is in the process of planning her 2nd tattoo. I sat with her during her first one and she barely flinched. It’s good to see that the immensely low pain threshold is not genetic!

While silhouettes of The Beatles adorn her right arm, she has something a little different planned for the left one. I may be able to sneak a picture once it is done.

But, despite remaining a massive fan of the art form, I may need to just live vicariously rather than getting another one myself.

Challenge Accepted?

My challenge was to get a tattoo – which I did – painful as it was.

So, as of 16th March 2016, this challenge is well and truly …

2022 update

While Hannah was getting her fourth tattoo done, I got talking to her artist, and kind of booked myself in for a cover-up.

My original 2016 tattoo looked very blurry, so I decided it was time to get that cherry blossom I wanted but was too scared to get.

Despite being a lot bigger than my first tattoo, it was surprisingly less painful – meaning I have either become pretty well ‘ard over the last 5 years or that ‘Gentle George’ of Level Ink lives up to his name.

I’m even considering adding onto this one, maybe a crane? Maybe I’ll get some inspiration on my trip to Japan?

Either way, this task is not only completed but has been ‘EBI’ed!

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