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Why you need a main plan

K6, Polly's Pad, Main Plan, Let's start the journey,

It is often said that if you speak your dreams out to the universe, the universe listens…It may choose to not do anything with the information you give it…but it listens.

While somewhat sceptical, I can see the idea behind this. If no one knows what you want, then how can they help you?

On the flip side, the last thing any of us wants is to have someone laugh at our deeply held dreams, or point out all the potential obstacles. Particularly if this is not done in a constructive or helpful way.

Sometimes though, we just have to put ourselves out there.

This is why not only do you need a ‘main plan’, but why you will also need to find the right people to help you achieve it.

Sharing your life plan

There are two schools of thought when it comes to your ‘main plan’.

You either tell no one and shock them all when you finally get it done. Or you advertise.

Personally, I fall on the ‘be brave enough to share your passions’ side of the fence.

People are often loathe to share their dreams as they fear ridicule; they worry that people won’t share their vision, or will believe them incapable of it.

How many deep-seated desires have faded because people were unwilling to speak them out to the universe? What is your passion? Have you told anyone?

Polly’s Plan

The whole point of this website was to initially hold myself accountable for getting the items on my list ticked off.

Being held accountable by strangers is oddly motivating!

But my Kettle List plans end when I hit 50, so what are my overall life goals?

What is ‘The Plan’?

There are plenty of weird and wonderful things to be found on my various lists, but my LIFE PLAN boils down to a few main areas.

I am going to save up enough money to retire comfortably – It will start with simply buying less needless junk and selling unnecessary items and culminate with a long-term saving strategy.

My plan is to move all of my old work pensions into one and build up my savings through investments and sensible budgeting. I am lucky enough to be the mother of the most frugal person on earth, who has taught me the ways of ‘Honey’ and various other online coupon sites.

We have also been using a few survey sites, as well as an app that pays me to scan my receipts when I go shopping.

By reducing my outgoings, as well as developing a strategy for saving, I should have more than enough put by.

I am going to declutter my house and my belongings. The entire process is being documented, and I will also finish the book I am writing on the subject. The idea is to embrace a Marie Kondo style of minimalism while maintaining a happy, homely feel.

The idea that you should have less ‘stuff’ but love all of it, rather than be drowning in tat or the latest fast fashion really resonates with me.

I am going to continue to learn Japanese. My aim is to be fluent enough to have conversations with native speakers. This will be particularly useful if I want to move there – which I do.

I am going to get a job in Japan, and spend a year living there – hopefully longer, as I would really like to make it a long-term home.

Unless, of course, I decide I don’t like it.

Remember: just because you once wanted something it doesn’t mean you need to keep it if it is no longer serving you. This is true of all things, not just items on a list.

Have a plan B… and C

If I can’t get a job in Japan, I will try other countries to build up my skill set and try again. Or look into additional skills I can develop to make me a more desirable employee. I am also currently working on a few courses online; there is no such thing as having too many transferable skills.

Maybe if I make enough money blogging and writing books I can just move to Japan anyway under their ‘Wealth Exemption’ clause.

Just need to start building up that £200K in savings – not quite there yet though.

Articles about planning and goals

All things Japan

While I fully appreciate that this is very ‘me’ specific, for some reason, a number of my posts end up being about Japan. If you are happy to embrace my minor obsession, then feel free to come and have a look at my links.

Inspiring images – My Japan vision board

Technically these are things I have already done, but I have no idea what a vision board based on things you have already done, loved and want to do again is called.

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