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My 2020 Vision: What I plan to focus on

It is time for my 2020 vision board.

Having already gone over my 2019 list, where I looked at what I wanted to achieve and how I felt I did with it, it is now time to work out which aspects of my 3 main lists I want to focus on in the coming year.

While a significant international trip is unlikely, there are still plenty of items on my 40 x 40, my Kettle List and my Bristol Bucket List to keep me going.

Me ticking off ‘Visit California’, one of my ‘Visit 50 coasts’ and ‘Have 50 coffees in 50 cities’ all in one break. Travel hat and cardi got an airing too

What I want in 2020

Aside from completing tasks on the various lists which you can go check out here, there are a few non-listy things I want to achieve.

That is why a major aim in my 2020 vision is to gain more work experience, to improve my chances of getting a teaching job.

I also want to work more on my writing and I will start taking my blogging a bit more seriously by investing in myself in terms of learning more technical skills and spending more time researching pieces for my site

In terms of what I hope to focus on from my lists, I have made a selection that includes a few items that appeared on the 2019 lists, as well as a few new ones. I will see you back here next year to review how well I did, as well as decide on the 2021 goals.

Kettle list

I will pass my driving test. Not necessarily on the first go, but I will keep retaking it until I do. In April it will be one year since I passed my theory test, and as that only leaves me one year to pass the actual driving test 2020 has to be the year when I complete this task.

Complete a Cross Stitch. This one is simple and I have been putting it off. I have started so many of these and never finished one, so I am adding this one to the 2020 vision list. I will either buy a new kit or dig out one of the many that are lying about the place and make a start on this task in January.

Finish my E-book. Technically the task on the list is to finish the novel or the non-fiction book I have been working on for, what feels like the last 20 years, but if I can get one of my Ebooks completed it may be the boost I need to work on my other pieces. I want to make writing an everyday occurrence, so even I am not writing for the blog I am being productive.

Declutter. As part of my ‘be happy with my house’ task I have been working on decluttering and reducing all of my belongings. As one of my Ebooks is based on my following the wisdom laid out by the most famous minimalists and life coaches, I will be getting the house sorted as a form of research for my book. A kind of ‘two birds- one stone’ deal.

I’ll be starting on Clothes – as per Marie Kondo’s suggestion – and working from there. It is unlikely my house will be completed in 2020, but I plan on making a good start.

Complete the TEFL. I am very near the end of this, and once I complete it I aim to get some work experience to set me on my completing #33 on the list: I want to teach abroad.

I also intend to continue working on learning Japanese, making some more of my origami crames, visiting a few more English counties and drinking coffees when I get there.

“I’ll be starting on clothes…”

40 x 40 list

Attend a large scale conference. I am hoping to get to Hyper Japan in July and will keep my eye out for blogger conferences.

Waist deep in the sea. This is a task that will no longer be allowed to haunt me. I am going into the sea at some point in 2020, even if I have to take a day trip somewhere warm to do it.

Lose 1 stone. Let’s not make this a body positivity debate – I want to lose at least a stone, for my own personal reasons. Previously I lost three stone and was content with my weight, but poor food choices have meant I am back up to a weight I am not happy with. The aim for 2020 is to be healthier all round: better food choices, more exercise, more sleep and generally taking better care of my own well being.

365 Pictures. I have started this task so many times. Probably the best way is to set a daily alarm to remind me that I need to take a picture. This attempt has officially been started on December 24th, so I am going to try to upload my photos to the page I create for this task. Hopefully, I will be able to maintain my momentum with this task in 2020.

Crochet a top. This has been a task in the making for many years, It’s just that the tops I start to make end up being too chunky. The first attempt became a quilt! As part of a pre-Christmas tidy-up, I have found loads of wool, so I will be able to start this task at some point in the new year.

Bristol List

For this list, I decided to pick one task from each section

Arts & Culture: Visit the Arnolfini
Food & Drink: Try some street food at St Nicks Market
Out & About: Visit the Aquarium
Festival Fun: Go to Upfest (the 2020 Upfest is due to be epic!)
Getting Active: Visit the Lido.

Of course, if an opportunity to complete any of the other tasks arises, I will be more than happy to tick them off.

My main focus for 2020 though is to complete my TEFL, and gain get some teaching work experience. I’ll also investigate working abroad and work on completing my Ebook. Watch this space for when I complete it and will have it to download for you all.

Over to you

Have you written your 2020 vision yet? Are there tasks you really want to focus on in the coming year? What one task will get you closer to your plan? Let us know in the comments.

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