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Every day is a School Day

K, Polly's Pad, Life Long Learning,

One running theme that can be found throughout both my 40 x 40 list and my Kettle List, is my penchant for learning.  An early entry on my original bucket list was: #3 Gain a Degree, while other entries include learning languages, instruments, martial arts, gaining a Masters and passing my driving test – after having learnt to drive, obviously!

In fact, I would certainly suggest that if you are compiling our own Bucket List, it should contain an element of continued learning. It has been said that once one decides to stop learning, they may as well stop living; life always has something new to teach you, no matter your age.

Living is Learning

The plan for this page is to link all of the pieces, posts and PDF’s to do with learning, helping and teaching. I am working on printable content, particularly surrounding teaching and crafts. If they can be of use to anyone, I would love to hear how they get on with them. Particularly if you have pictures or posts I can link to.

Perfectly designed to pin on your vision board on Pinterest!

As it is, this page is very much under construction; I am also currently working on a few language and learning-based articles. So be sure and check back. In fact, why not subscribe? It’s free, and you will be notified when new content appears?

Links to my continuous learning journey can be found here:

I have been studying Japanese for a number of years and now, having finally invested in one-to-one classes, feel that real progress is being made. I am planning on entering my JLPT N5 once they open up the applications again.

It’s an area I really want to see improvement in, so I continue to practice daily.

Link for Japanese

‘Drive a car’ was on my first bucket list. After achieving that I upped my game to ‘pass my test’. I made a point of adding it to my 2020 focus list… so you can see how it went in the link to my driving stuff.

Link for My Driving stuff

My Further Education Journey started back before I had even started my first Bucket List when I applied for college following a redundancy. The whole story can be found in this link to my lifelong learning journey post.

Link for my College and University Story

My plans for this page

I am a massive advocate for lifelong learning. With that in mind, I am hoping to develop a few online courses that will help me share the skills and knowledge I have acquired over the last 20 years.

Somewhat ironically, I am currently learning how to make online courses via an online course. (A real one, not one of those dodgy ones that claim they will make you ‘6 figures’ or get you a million subscribers in 10 days!)

Once I have got the skill set down, I will be updating the page and letting you know how you can join in.

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